Watch the Thinker



I know you guys have probably grown tired of me quoting Eckart Tolle but I cant stop because my life has improved so much from reading this book!

Tolle says something in his book about “watching the thinker” and its because most of us let our mind and thoughts take over and become so consumed in them we think we are our mind.

Ive got great news for you, you arent! Your mind is only one component that is you.  We have to watch our thoughts because they can breed so much negativity if we let it. For those of us that suffer from anxiety or depression, we know how one bad thought can send us into the abyss of worry and have us thinking about problems and issues that dont exist, what if’s, natural disaster scenarios, etc (having anxiety can get a little crazy sometimes).

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The trick is to separate yourself from your mind when that starts to happen and be more present in the moment. To “Watch the thinker”

“Watching the thinker is essentially a technique that allows you to maintain a very present state by stepping outside of your mind and watching all of its crazy fantasies and delusions.” – fredtracy 

I was trying to think of an analogy to explain it and the best I could think of was the glass half full and half empty scenario.


The cup half full or half empty reveals your tendency to judge a situation as positive or negative.  If you see a glass half empty, you would tend to put a negative spin on the situation indicating you are focusing on the part of the glass that’s empty. Pessimistic.

If you see a glass half full, you would tend to put a positive, hopeful spin on the same situation, focusing on how much water there is in the glass as a plus.  After all, at least its not empty.  You have that much water to enjoy.   There is a presence of gratitude and motivation. Optimistic.

While its obviously better to be optimistic. What both of these people fail to see is the bigger picture. The watcher understands that the glass is neither half full or half empty it just is. The watcher knows not to get hung up on such trivial things because even though the glass is resting at whatever level its at now. Its overall capacity is greater than half full or half empty.

The watcher understands that the cups function is to be filled and to be emptied and to be filled again because that is the life and nature of a cup. So they would never waste time thinking so much about a cup being a cup! Its whole purpose it to hold ANY amount of water up to its brim.


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Think about it… Like REALLY think about it…



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Dear Alcohol/Alcoholism


To say that I fucking hate you would be an understatement.

You would think…….

We would’ve tossed you aside based on all the lives you’ve taken.

It’s like….

I’m sitting here.

I’m really contemplating…

How fucked up

I had to grow up

Cause you had her mind completely gone.

Sober mind…?

it makes her sad.

So every day, she fills her glass.

With every sip, her color fades

but fuck it.!

her memory dazed

and the pain feels a little bit bearable now……

But living in the house with her is unbearable now.

She take’s a sip…

so she don’t have to feel that pain

relive that shame,

Deal with the fact that in certain situations SHE was the one to blame.

she just keeps sipping

sipping till she numbs her brain,

and its a shame…..

Cause while she was drinking to escape the galaxy.

We were here waiting for her to come back down to reality. To lose her buzz, get off that trip…

to remember she was a mom…..

with kids,


and shit!


She’s unpredictable,

completely unreliable,

and when she get that liquor in her system she turns into a liar too….

Straight foul mouth.

She named you, but fuck that,

your name bitch now.

And now you like them Arthur memes


She taunting you like black moms do. She like:

“Put that balled up fist down”

“what you gone do? You gone hit me? I brought you in the world Ill take you out of it”.

And your like:

“You should call me what you named me on my birth certificate………

and bitch aint on it”.

And now you disrespectful so she gotta check you.

Damn Alchohol, I swear to GOD I hate you!

I blame you for every setback.

For every holiday and birthday, you ruined that we’ll never get back.

Because of you, our house was never a home.

Growing up with a mother…… yet still feeling all alone.

For exposing me to shit I shouldn’t have seen till I was grown.

Have you ever seen a human still alive that somehow lost their soul?

Damn you so cold….

To be continued………

 Id love to hear from you!

Like, comment, subscribe, and follow me on social media!

Facebook: Cherise Floyd

Instagram: Nsorommaa_

Snapchat: CheriseAndrea

Twitter: LifeRiiImagined

Thanks for stopping by!
With love,