#GoSomePlaceNow Barcelona, Spain!

I just got back from Barcelona and the trip was nothing short of AMAZING.

(All pictures and gifs unless otherwise noted belong to me. Please do not use without my permission!)


Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow

It was our first time in Europe and we decided to go along with a travel group #GoSomePlaceNow. We honestly didn’t have the courage to go on a trip of this magnitude alone, being such inexperienced travelers and all. The group did not disappoint!

Say hello to Britta- travel extraordinaire who owns GoSomePlaceNow and planned our entire trip for us.


Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow

Her bio reads: “As a flight attendant and avid traveler, I’ve been to numerous countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and the South Pacific with a total a little over thirty. For the last 10 years travel has been my love, my hobby, and my lifestyle. Honestly, I just want to help the people in my life see how easy it is to make traveling a reality and teach them how to get the most out of the experience”.

What I really enjoyed about traveling with #GoSomePlaceNow is that Britta created our whole itinerary. We were free of course to pop in and out of it as we saw fit but we attended most of the events with the group that we were available for (got in later than everyone so we slept in the next day, went to Paris the Friday of the trip, etc).

Barcelona day 1

Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow


Barcelona day 2.PNG

Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow


Photo cred: JMillhouse


I tried patatas bravas for the first time and they were AMAZING!


Barcelona gang at UltraMarinos enjoying tapas and drinks.

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Gothic Quarter Fountain



La Boqueria


Fresh seafood


Fresh meat IMG_4338


Cooked snacks IMG_4336

Fresh squeezed juice IMG_4349IMG_4347

Fresh fruitIMG_4344IMG_4334IMG_4343

Barcelona day 3.PNG

Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow

We missed Friday because we took a day trip over to Paris. But they looked BOMB

Beach day.PNG

Photo cred: JMillHouse

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Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow

Boat Party 


The calm before the turn up…


Chug, chug, chug!!

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Chug, chug, chug!!

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& Again! Chug, chug, chug!!



Barcelona day 5.PNG

Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow



Calamari IMG_4517

Mussels IMG_4525

The end result:

Paella Giphy.gif

Barcelona day 6.PNG

Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow

On our last day we decided to do our own thing with some other people from the group and went bike riding to the beach.


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Day 7.PNG

Photo cred: GoSomePlaceNow

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I had the time of my life and would totally travel as a group again. Why? Because

  1. We always had people to explore with.
  2. Britta took care of all the details!
  3. I got to make 20+ new friends
  4. Each person brought something different to the table. We had a lot of bilingual or even trilingual people in the group and they helped with communication barriers.
  5. We all shared pictures on the cloud so we got to see and experience the things that we may have missed (for example we overslept and missed half of the walking tour but still were able to get great pics).

So do yourself a favor and 

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The next trip is to South Africa March 14-20th, 2018!

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Hope to see you there!

 Id love to hear from you!

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Facebook: Cherise Floyd

Instagram: Nsorommaa_

Snapchat: CheriseAndrea

Twitter: LifeRiiImagined


Boat party.PNG

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